14 September, 2016


Eyes won’t close to let me sleep;
beating, quaking, it’s bone deep –
Although my body’s weary, tired,
finally, I feel inspired:
For once within the last six months,
words drift, soft, right off my tongue.
Somehow, there’s this motivation -
suddenly I feel my place and,
reminders, bright, they grace my skin,
they tell me, here, begin again.
At my right side they hearken, near:
"Lift your chin up please, my dear!"
Women tied to my bloodstream
stand so strong, help me sing.
So to the left there’s family,
who lift me up and fill my wings,
remind me I can tame the beast,
reach out with love, encouraging,
who see there down on my right leg:
An image of a girl who played,
who, come the sunshine or the dark
always offered up her heart,
and grew into the woman, left,
whose fiery spirit laughed, and wept and
always carved out her own trail,
no matter if she’d win or fail.
So eyes, now open, to the past,
I feel existence on my back,
and though, some days, it feels heavy,
I will not hesitate to see
a universe full of wondrous things
connected to this earth by tree,
and not afraid, though sometimes lost,
I’ll wander, free, and fight with cause.

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